Software Developer
Worked / Working projects.
since 2023
Shule App versatile school management system that helps automate daily school operations hassle-free and provides insightful reporting and 360-degree tracking so that stakeholders can make better and faster decisions to increase productivity of their establishment.
Also the facilitation of communication between parents and the school.
Open Shule App
Kazi-Interim is a human resources and labor placement company incorporated under Burundian law operating in Burundi throughout the country since its creation in 2014.
Kazi Interim offers innovative, efficient and tailor-made human resources services that take into account the needs of companies and individuals working or looking for work.
More than 7 years serving the nation by training future executives via our online platform Kazi Academy, more than 1000 employees already placed and more than 2000 trained.
Currently Software Lead and technologies.
Open Kazi-Interim
Biolink is a all in one link manager, Business profile, Businesses, and generate customizable invoice.
Connectez votre TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, website, store, videos, music, podcast, events and much more. It all comes together in one link in the organic landing page designed to convert.
Invoice generator helps you create professional invoices, saves you time and lets you get paid easily.
EVT Report is stand for Electoral Voice Tracker Report or in french Rapport de suivi des voix électorales is a Congolese application which helps each national, provincial or presidential candidate to obtain a report in real time after counting their votes won by the voter in each polling station with proof of PV in image.
The objective of the application is to reduce the complaint filed by candidates of vote theft after the proclamation of votes obtained by the CENI and ensure the candidat of it statistics.
Open EVT-Report Link
My is an application that helps you manage all your documents on the Internet with a document ID to track the original source or owner with a digital and encryptable fingerprint. It's like NFT for documents
This avoids document fraud, such as invoice, invoice format, company document, original document, etc.
Finpay is an online payment solution for businesses and individuals in Africa. Our system streamlines online payments by consolidating diverse payment methods and services in a single location.
NOTICE : I only list 6 best of the year (2023)